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The members of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University said that the series six | practice tests the original intentions of party members, and actions practice the mission of teachers -- Foreign language Sports teaching and research group and Party branch Party members serve the society

Release time: 2021-06-30 Author: Hits:

The members of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University said that the series six | practice tests the original intentions of party members, and actions practice the mission of teachers -- Foreign language Sports teaching and research group and Party branch Party members serve the society

"Party, government, army and people learn from East, West, North and South"

During the epidemic period, the Foreign Language Sports teaching and research Group and the Party members of the Party branch have always paid attention to the development of the epidemic, cared about the people of Wuhan, actively participated in the epidemic prevention work and online teaching, and made contributions to the fight against the epidemic through their own strength。

First, the heart of Wuhan, dedicated love

Every Party member of the joint Party branch of the Foreign Language Sports Teaching and Research Group and every teacher of the Foreign Language teaching and Research Group actively donated money。On February 21, a total of 11,000 yuan was raised in just two hours to donate to the special project of China Primary Health Care Foundation to support Wuhan。

On February 26, the official website of China Primary Health Care Foundation announced the receipt of donations

Second, Party members "double reporting", the community stands good post

"Thank you to those who silently contribute in ordinary positions。”

-- Xie Zhishang

Take the temperature of people entering and leaving the community

My job is to assist the security guard to check the itinerary of people entering and leaving the community, check the pass, and measure the temperature。What I thought was a simple task soon overwhelmed me, and after three hours I was numb from the cold, even though I was heavily dressed。Finally, I changed my guard and went home, but the work of community cadres and community security guards continued。Suddenly think of a sentence, "Your years are quiet, because someone is carrying the burden for you."。

"I am willing to do my small part in this national fight against the epidemic。”


Every day to see the community epidemic prevention staff work very hard, after learning that the community party members home group in the recruitment of volunteers, I immediately signed up。In this special period, community prevention and control is the first gate to prevent the spread of the epidemic。As a party member, I am willing to do my small part in this national fight against the epidemic。

Teachers Zhang Tao (left), Zhu Ying (middle) and Liu Wei (right) of the branch volunteer in the community

3. Give full play to professional expertise and record city-level courses

"It's my duty to be active。”

-- Zhu Ying, publicity member of the Party branch

Recorded lessons

I joined the district-level resource recording at the first time, and discussed the course setting with the teaching and research staff and other excellent teachers。The curriculum of the graduation grade is very demanding, and the lesson preparation is very large. There are 5 teachers in our lesson preparation team involved in the recording of the district-level resources。The integrated school also has teachers actively involved。Undertaking the recording of district-level resources is an uplifting process for everyone。So far, I have undertaken the recording of 3 district level resources。Each time the Angle is different, the harvest is different。As a party member, especially the affiliated party members, active dedication is my responsibility。

"We strive to provide high-quality courses to students in the whole district in terms of teaching content and display forms.。”

-- Chen Yanzhu, member of the Party Branch Organization Committee

Recorded lessons

When the epidemic hit, the city and district actively organized the development of online teaching resources。As the leader of the English subject in Haidian District, I know that at this critical moment, I should take the initiative to record the course task, and pass the important curriculum resources of senior three review teaching to students in an effective way。During the recording process, I also got many guidance from the teaching and research staff and the teachers in the same group。We strive to provide high-quality courses for students in the region in terms of teaching content and display forms, and help them successfully complete online teaching in special periods。

"To be a Party member is to be responsible and to serve others wholeheartedly。”

-- Chen Jianrong, Youth member of the Party Branch

Recorded lessons

After receiving the assignment as a teaching researcher, I needed to complete three city-level course recording tasks and three district-level course recording tasks. I also needed to polish teaching plans, review and modify teaching designs and student learning task lists for other teachers who participated in the city-level course recording tasks。Although the teaching task was not easy, I did not hesitate to take on all the tasks。In 3 days, I reviewed the "one lesson one package" of 5 teachers and proposed amendments。

"Complete the task with quality and quantity。”

-- Li Jialiang

Recorded lessons

Receiving the assignment of recording lessons in the district, I began to prepare for it as soon as possible。In a special period, children have to rely on the content of recorded lessons for college entrance examination review, so the quality of courseware is particularly important, and there must be no scientific errors and misleading directions。Therefore, I pay special attention from courseware making to topic selection。After the first draft was completed, I immediately handed it to the district teaching and research staff for review, and then modified it in time according to the feedback to complete the task with quality and quantity。

"The biggest feeling of recording lessons is to be rigorous and meticulous。”

-- Wang Wenzan

Recorded lessons

During the epidemic period, I had the honor to participate in the recording task of the two lessons of Unit 16 of "Class in the Air" in Beijing and the recording task of the two lessons of Unit 19 Language of "Class in the Air" in Haidian District。City recorded lessons simulate real class situations。Students' sense of participation in watching TV should be considered in question setting and classroom links。The class is more like the "lecture" of the flipped classroom, centered on "micro-skills" or "topics" to adapt to the efficient information of the network。The biggest feeling of recording lessons is to be rigorous and meticulous。Classroom wording, courseware border, punctuation, font, color, etc. can not be omitted。

"This complete research course helped me to have a more comprehensive control over the teaching content.。”


Recorded lessons

As a trainee teacher and researcher in the district, I undertook the recording of students' learning resources in the third period of the sixth week in the district。This job not only serves the students of the district, but also hopes that the teaching content will feed back to the students of our school。According to the guidance of the district teaching and research staff, the learning resources should not only focus on the construction of the theme meaning, but also deal with the relevant content of the textbooks。In the course preparation, I had in-depth discussions with other teachers, determined the teaching framework, sorted out the course content, carefully made courseware, wrote screen-recorded manuscripts, and recorded them into videos。

"Being depended on by so many students, the teacher is tired and happy。”

-- Linda Miao

Recorded lessons

Through sorting out the work in this stage, I feel that this period of time has been given more meaning, and I have a deeper understanding of online teaching。Whether online or offline, the ultimate ownership of education is human。The connection between people makes education lively and life rich。During the epidemic period, writing letters to students is also a review of their own heart, and they are also more calm。The students' enthusiastic response also made me feel warm。Helping others always makes people feel happy。

"To provide high quality courses for students。”

-- Fan Wanqing

Recording scene

As a new teacher who has just been employed for a few years, during this special period, I am honored to participate in the district-level 3 excerpt class of Haidian District and the 3 excerpt class of Beijing Aerial Class。Although it was very hard to record the course and the teaching and research staff were very demanding, I also learned a lot in the process。As a member of the High School affiliated to Tsinghua University, it is worthwhile to provide several high-quality courses for students in Haidian District, Beijing, and even the whole country。

"To complete the work with a high degree of seriousness and responsibility。”

-- Xiong Xueqin

Recorded lessons

At the request of Haidian District Continuing Education School, I participated in the recording work of "Classroom in the Air" course in the spring semester of 2020 of Beijing Primary School, and undertook the recording of 9 units and 3 periods in the second semester of Grade 7 of the human-taught version。The city attaches great importance to the recording work, and the recording teacher is very demanding。So far, I have completed more than ten hours of online training at the municipal and district levels。I will do my best to complete the work with a high degree of seriousness and responsibility, and live up to the expectations of leaders at all levels。

"Doing my job well is my responsibility and responsibility as an educator。”

-- Sun Xiaofang

Recorded lessons

Although I cannot rush to the front line of fighting the epidemic, it is my responsibility as an educator to do my job well, record every lesson, protect students' studies, and let students feel at ease and parents feel at ease。As soon as I received the assignment of recording lessons in Haidian District, I actively invested in the preparation work。From knowledge sorting, content design, to the selection of pictures, audio and video, I strive for excellence。It is expected that students can learn from online courses, gain knowledge and methods。

Four, no sports can not be Tsinghua

Remember heroes with respect

"Gather strength and forge ahead。”

-- Zhang Guomei, member of the discipline Inspection Committee of the Party Branch

Organize memorial activities for the residential students

On Tomb-Sweeping Day in 2020, family mourning activities were held, allowing us to pay tribute to our heroes and compatriots who lost their lives。On duty at school, I led all the teachers on duty in the department to observe three minutes of silence with the students!Always remember the lofty spirit of these martyrs, set up lofty ideals, and strive for the great rejuvenation of the motherland。"The dead have passed away, the living are like this", remembering the dead, and wishing the spirit peace in the other world。Mourning is to move forward better, let us bring their hope, gather strength and forge ahead!

Test the original intention with practice

The sports group and the party members and teachers of Ma John's Sports special Class and the party activists used the online platform to send wonderful home online classes and training videos to the students。

Ma John Sports special class coach Zhang Tao arranged students home training through the Internet

"Staying at home can also strengthen the body。”

-- Liu Zhijie

Recorded instructional video

This is a form of exercise based on the physical recovery of students for about a week, which can consolidate and improve physical fitness。The video mainly covers three aspects: warm-up, basic exercises and relaxation exercises。The first three warm-up movements are mainly warm-up activities of the upper limbs。Fourth move: lunge back twist。Fifth move: knee lunge support twist。One side knee lift。Cardiopulmonary endurance exercise combination: jumping jacks, lunges, burpees, bent (knee) bench presses, jumping rope (or leg lift in place)。The five exercise cycles are set in 1 set, with 1 minute intervals for each movement and 2 to 3 minutes between the sets。It's also important to relax and stretch。

"Since physical exercise requires venues, how to find a physical exercise program suitable for everyone is the most important thing in class preparation?。”

-- Jing Chuantao

Set up a wechat group to guide students to exercise at home

Using my son's study table and a mobile phone stand, I completed the recording of sports teaching videos。I created a grade home physical exercise group for students, and regularly sent content to the group to guide students to actively do physical exercise。Students in the group actively discuss and share the physical exercise situation, the atmosphere is harmonious。I think there are advantages to this way of working in sports。今后。I will also try a combination of online and offline teaching methods。

"My approach to home exercise teaching is' move - practice - learn '."。”


Edit Tsinghua affiliated High School home exercise public number

The first is to move, this stage is mainly based on the content of students often practice, which can not only improve the intensity of exercise, but also prevent students from injury。The last is to learn, including two aspects, one is to learn the content, on the basis of previous practice, gradually extend and expand the new content;Secondly, students themselves want to learn, to choose the corresponding teaching content according to the wishes of students, so that students are really willing to move。But the operation process is far more difficult than imagined, but as a party teacher, what I have to do is to overcome the difficulties, so that students can participate in physical exercise, strong body and mind。

"Suspended classes continue to practice, Tsinghua High School students in this extraordinary period with practical actions to show the beauty of exercise.。”

-- Chen Dongsheng

Early 17 grade sports competition live picture

2020 Tsinghua Junior High School 17 Cloud on One minute jump rope and family Plank Challenge successfully concluded。More than 300 students from the third grade and nearly 200 families participated in the challenge。In the broadcast room, the partners used voice, text and pictures to cheer for the players, and Ms. Fang Yan, secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua High School, also sent her best wishes to the players in the broadcast room。This novel way of live broadcasting has attracted many parents to watch。Parents spoke highly of the show。No sports, no Tsinghua。

"We will do a good job in physical education and moral education in the rear area to contribute to winning the epidemic prevention and control war.。”


Record videos and communicate with parents actively

"If there is an occasional sound of movement upstairs, it must be a child in gym class.。I want to say that the voice may also be the PE teacher recording the lesson。Take my "fat burning movement" as an example, not only to ensure that the teaching is not stuck, the action is not ambiguous, but also to consider the operability of home exercise, you have to design your own action。In order to record a complete lesson, it is often necessary to "rehearse" many times。Although we are not on the front line, we must do a good job in sports teaching and moral education in the rear area of the fight against the epidemic, and contribute to winning the battle against the epidemic。

"Continue to explore, ask young teachers for advice, and practice the party with practical actions.。”

-- Ding Lei, an active party member

Coordinate the work of the whole group and take the lead in recording lessons

Since the COVID-19 epidemic, the school has actively implemented the work deployment of the Education Commission on delaying the opening of the school, and has not suspended classes。As the leader of the sports team and an active member of the Party for many years, I constantly explored the aspects of video shooting and production that I was not good at, consulted young teachers, and practiced my wish to join the Party with practical actions。During the course recording at home, the PE teachers held many PE group meetings and class preparation leaders' meetings to exchange ideas, learn from each other and learn from each other. Especially in terms of computer video production, the young teachers gave me great help and benefited me a lot。

"With practical actions to practice the responsibility and responsibility of a Tsinghua Affiliated High School.。”

-- Zhang Riyue, an active member of the Party

Actively carry out class work

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, I have actively cooperated with the school in various education and teaching related work。As a class teacher, I am mainly responsible for the statistics, tracking and reporting of the physical condition and itinerary of my class students in and out of Beijing, urging students to study hard, strengthening physical exercise and vision protection, collecting and answering parents' puzzles, and assisting teachers of various subjects to urge students to study。In the next work, I still have to be strict with myself and complete the work with quality and quantity。I believe the epidemic will soon pass, let us look forward to the reunion after the epidemic。

On the way to fight the epidemic, you and I are together!Every Party member of the Foreign Language Sports Teaching and Research Group and all the teachers of the English and Sports Education Teaching and Research Group will do their best to contribute to the fight against the epidemic and set a good example for the students!We have always believed that as long as we are united and united, we can defeat the epidemic!

Photo: Tsinghua High School Attached to Foreign language Sports teaching and research group joint Party branch

Review: Fang Yan Zhang Jie Party victory army

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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